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This section was originally named "Tubes for the Dummies" but, one day, I received the following message:
From: "" <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: Tubes for the Dummies
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 12:59:27 -0500
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing to you about a matter of great importance to our company,
namely, the protection of our intellectual property. We would
appreciate it if you would review this letter and respond by July 3,
As you may know, IDG Books Worldwide ("IDGB") publishes and distributes
globally a line of reference books known as the "...For Dummies(R)"
series. The "...For Dummies(R)" series has been in existence since
November 1991 and has enjoyed unprecedented success. In fact, there are
over 50 million "...For Dummies(R)" books in print and the books have
been translated into 38 languages. The "...For Dummies(R)" series
includes, among many other titles, Windows(R) For Dummies(R), Politics
For Dummies(R), Personal Finance For Dummies(R), Law For Dummies(R), and
PCs For Dummies(R). IDGB also licenses and distributes numerous line
extensions and ancillary products based on the "...For Dummies(R)"
series, including musical CDs, clothing, toys, and calendars.
The "...For Dummies(R)" series is immediately recognizable by, among
other things, the trademark "...For Dummies(R)." The "...For
Dummies(R)" trademark appears not only on the books themselves but also
on trade and consumer advertising, in catalogs, on point of sale
displays, on giveaway items, on IDGB's Web site, and on other
promotional material distributed around the world. IDGB has made a
considerable investment in promoting the identification of its "...For
Dummies(R)" trademark to its distributors and customers. As a result,
and as evidenced by the many articles written and comments received from
distributors, customers, and the press, it is clear that IDGB's "...For
Dummies(R)" trademark is widely identified with IDGB. In short, this
trademark is an extremely valuable asset of IDGB.
It has come to our attention that you have published an article on the Web site (specifically, entitled "Tubes for the
Dummies." Unfortunately, this title uses and infringes IDGB's federally
registered "...For Dummies(R)" trademark. In addition, it is highly
likely that visitors could be misled into believing that this Web page
was authorized by or is associated with IDGB.
We hope that this matter can be resolved quickly and amicably.
Accordingly, we request that you remove the infringing material from the
Web page and anywhere else it appears and provide IDGB with your written
assurances that you will refrain from infringing its trademarks. Please
be advised that if this matter cannot be immediately resolved, IDGB is
fully prepared to enforce its rights. We look forward to hearing from
you on or before July 3, 1998.
Terri Morgan
Manager, Legal Services
IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
919 East Hillsdale Boulevard, Suite 400
Foster City, CA 94404
650/655-3040 - V
650/655-3299 - F
So I renamed it "Tubes for Newbies", just hoping IDBG have not copyrighted
the complete dictionnary ...
If the titles of their books are pretty funny, I think that their sense of humor stops
exactly there !
Since then, I absolutely boycott all their books and invite everybody to do the
Many years later, I renamed this page back, let's see if their lawyers are still so picky.